Online Obedience Courses
Bring Home the Basics
Our “Bring Home The Basics” Program is live! In this program you and your dog will learn all the basic obedience skills you need and more! Work your way through our curriculum at your own pace from the comfort of your own home while receiving feedback from the professionals.
Once you enrol, you will be approved to join our learning group on Facebook where all of the training material is available to you. Start at the beginning and work your way through all of the training units. If you are struggling or you have a question, post a video of the issue or comment in the group and one of our team members will answer within 24 hours! Once you show video that you and your dog can complete all of the exercises that Unit, you will receive a go ahead from our Team to move on to the next training unit! Check the “files” tab for a printable progress report so you can keep track of where you are at home! We will also be tracking your progress so don’t worry if you can’t do it yourself. Once you complete all of the Units you are more than welcome to stay in the group, there is no time limit on your stay.
You will learn all the foundation to Basic Obedience Skills, the course is based off of our very successful beginner group class curriculum and even includes extras that we don’t teach in the group setting!
Advanced Skills at Home
Our “Advanced Skills At Home” Program is now live! In this program you and your dog will build on and proof all of your basic obedience skills while learning new and advanced exercises! Work your way through our curriculum at your own pace from the comfort of your own home while receiving feedback from the professionals.
Once you enrol, you will be approved to join our learning group on Facebook where all of the training material is available to you. Start at the beginning and work your way through all of the training units. If you are struggling or you have a question, post a video of the issue or comment in the group and one of our team members will answer within 24 hours! Once you show video that you and your dog can complete all of the exercises that Unit, you will receive a go ahead from our Team to move on to the next training unit! Check the “files” tab for a printable progress report so you can keep track of where you are at home! We will also be tracking your progress so don’t worry if you can’t do it yourself. Once you complete all of the Units you are more than welcome to stay in the group, there is no time limit on your stay!
You will proof all of your dogs beginner obedience skills, the course is based off of our very successful intermediate/advanced group class curriculum and even includes extras that we don’t teach in the group setting! This course is what separates your dog from the rest, think of it like sending your dog to University!
Bring Home the Basics $300 tax included
Advanced Skills at Home $300 tax included
*any student currently enrolled in a Group Obedience Class will receive $100 off the corresponding Online Course!